Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Raw Dog Food Diet Has Many Benefits

A raw dog food diet is an uncooked meal without any additives. The products are made from natural ingredients. Experts believe it is healthier than the commercial pet fare.

Developing natural eating habits in our dog goes a long way in improving the health of our beloved companion. Better health, longer life and overall well being of the pet are often ensured by moving away from artificial fare. Some experts have put together dog diets for pet owners. These menus include raw meat, grains, vegetables and fruit. All of these are good and safe to eat. The dog wont go hungry and eats healthier.

Dogs are carnivores, so raw meat is perfect for it. But there is the risk of raw meat being infected. So it is better to check a supplier before buying. A pure vegetable diet is also suitable for dogs. It is good for the digestive system.

A natural diet is richer in minerals and proteins and also contains more carbohydrates and and vitamins. This is because the food is not cooked. The composition of food can change the when heated, adversely affecting its nutritional value.

An advantage of the so called raw product is that the animal will eat food as it is found in nature. Groceries containing a lot of additives are not good for humans, and they are not recommended for dogs. Unfortunately that is often all you will find shops and often also the vet. Dogs eat it only because it is flavored. Added coloring is there for the humans carrying the wallet, not for the dogs. The animals really do not care about the color.

Then there is the question of itchy skin. If a dog is forever scratching with no evidence of fleas in the bath water, there must be another reason. That can often be found in its diet. You may be surprised at just how fast this problem can disappear with something that is natural in the food bowl.

Allergies can also make life difficult for your pet. It may take the form of an ear or skin infection. Often the problem is in the diet. Feed the animal what it needs and it may well be the end of the allergy. When it gets the right balance of minerals and vitamins you will probably save money spent on supplements.

If you want to breed dogs and only feed them natural meals, start the changing the female dog's food some time before the male enters the picture. This kind of fare prepares her for pregnancy. It also eases her into the lifestyle of eating differently. A change while she is pregnant is not good.

A natural meal is easier to digest because the digestive system of the animal is ready to deal with it. This is not true of additives. You will notice the dog's health improving when it grows a thick shiny coat. A raw dog food diet is also a good way of taking care of bad breath. Even teeth will benefit and be cleaner. The dog will be healthier and more energetic.

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