Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why You Should Try The Raw Food Diet For Dogs

It is really easy to sell pet products to animal lovers, as many times they take the place of children. Pets are spoiled with the latest in pet treats and fashions and dressed up in the latest accessories. They are treated to beauty therapies and some even have diet assistance for the raw food diet for dogs, if they need to lose weight and trim down.

Animals should be given exercise every day. The only animals who does not need intervention in this regard would be a cat, the others will need stimulation and help to get this done right. It will stop them from becoming overweight, and give them an outlet for their energy. Animals who cannot do this tend to destroy their environment instead.

Water is essential for any animal to survive and feel healthy. You must give them enough water to last all day, and it must be somewhere they can get to it as and when they need it. If they do not have this access they could dehydrate. You should check up on their water supply every day to make sure the levels are high enough. You should also ensure that wherever they are staying has decent ventilation and they get enough air.

Some people interpret animal grooming on a par with that of humans and have their pets completely pampered. Many of them have their hair styled as if they were human. They have different accessories put in it and have it cut and colored in different ways. Their nails can be painted and shaped. They can also have dental work done.

Owners have a lot of fun dressing their pets up as if they were humans. You can get lots of different outfits in all different sizes, shapes and colors. You can get outfits that have hats and those that have shoes. Only some of them are actually designed to keep them warm. People also enjoy collecting different kinds of collars and leashes.

Pets can celebrate birthdays like children and owners become like doting parents. They will usually get some birthday cake for the occasion and buy a gift or two for the pet. They can also expect their favorite food on this day. They may be treated to an outing or other special treats they enjoy.

There is a growing trend that has seen people in general company with their animals in public. People have animals in their purses, on their shoulders and on leashes. They like to drive around with them as companions. Some people have even exaggerated this and take them on holiday with them, listing them as special needs guests and pre arranging everything they require, including their meals and sleeping arrangements. They will not be separated from their pets.

Pets are becoming a bigger part in peoples lives, especially those who are lonely. They are treated like children and many of them are completely spoiled. They celebrate their birthdays as if they were kids and their parents always get their favorite food catered for the occasion. They can be fed a raw food diet for dogs to help them lose weight.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Get Your Raw Dog Food Information

All pet owners want their pets to live happy and healthy long lives, and feeding them raw dog food can go a long way to ensuring that. It is absolutely vital to be aware of what goes into your pet's food bowl. Dogs depend on their owners to take care of them, and they give them incomparable companionship and affection in return.

While dogs in specific will eat almost anything, it is very dangerous to feed dogs chow meant for people, as their stomachs are not able to handle many foods that people are used to. For example, chow such as onions, garlic, chocolate, and tomatoes contain chemicals that are highly toxic to dogs, and can result in serious illness and even death if the dog were to ingest them.

This is why it is best to feed your pet chow meant for your pet, and not feed them remnants of people chow. Usually, store-bought pet chow comes in dry and wet varieties. Dry type is very popular simply because it is cheap, easy to store and lasts a very long time. Wet variety of pet chow has a very high moisture content but can sometimes contain a lot of fat.

These have been produced for pets, but sometimes, the companies making them care more about their bottom line than about the health and wellbeing of the pets that eat them. Many dog chow brands will have things like brain stems, spinal cords, animal byproducts and bone meal in their chow, even though these ingredients can transmit serious diseases and would be illegal in people chow.

To make matters worse, there are no real regulations as to what can be put into pet chow, or how it can be packaged. Many packaging of pet chow makes it seem like it is healthy or natural dog chow, when in fact it can even be harmful. It is very important to do the research and know what's in the food that your pet is consuming.

Most dogs are happier when they switch to a raw diet. But it's important to recognize the differences between raw meat packaged for human consumption and raw meat packaged for animal consumption. While the human variety is intended to be cooked, the pet variety is not. As such, the human variety is non-pasteurized, whereas the pet variety generally is. Pasteurization is a process whereby harmful bacteria are killed. This means that you should be careful when feeding raw meat intended for human consumption to a dog, especially if the dog is in the transition process to a raw diet, because of the lack of pasteurization. However, it should also be noted that dogs' stomaches are well-suited for handling bacteria; far more-so than human stomaches, so your dog will, in all likelihood, be just fine.

There are many businesses which are responding to the need for healthy, raw dog food. These businesses are starting to offer special foods that are prepared with the highest of care and take the needs of pets in consideration.

Many companies are starting to now offer raw dog food. These foods may be more expensive but will protect your pet's health for a very long time. These companies also take care to never put in their animal chow ingredients which would be harmful or toxic to pets. Dogs may not be people, but they, like all other living beings, have complex nutritional needs that must be taken care of.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Raw Dog Food Improves Pet Health

Pet owners may be appalled about the ingredients in the kibble that is served to their dogs. Most dry pet foods are made with ingredients that are not good for the pet but are just fillers. Raw dog food does not contain the grains that can cause digestive problems for the pet. Just as a human being feels better by changing to a diet of natural foods, so do their pets.

Dogs are usually fussy eaters due to the foods set in front of them. These unnatural foods for the pet can rob him of energy and health. Most of the pet foods purchased at the local stores are not made from the foods that dogs crave and need. Even if the pet quickly consumes the kibble that placed in front of him, he may not be getting the needed nutrition in the form that provides the nutrients needed for good health. Switching the diet can greatly improve the pets health.

Pets that are switched to a diet containing only the foods they were intended to eat have fewer problems with allergies. These allergies can cause upset stomach and diarrhea. In addition, they are often the cause of the puppy's gas problems. Digestive allergies can cause pets to lose weight and vitality even though they are cleaning their dish.

Feeding the pet the wrong things can increase their shedding. A simple change in diet can give the pet a coat that is lush and glossy and reduce shedding. With less shedding, there is less chance of furniture, carpets and clothing being covered in pet hair. In addition, dogs that have scaly or itchy skin often find that the problem is cleared up within days with the change of foods.

One of the first improvements that the pet owner will notice is that once the dogs start eating natural foods there is a reduction in the size and firmness of the stools. This makes cleanup easier in the yard. If the cleanup is missed, the stools often convert to a dry white powder that decomposes naturally. In addition, there will be less smell associated with the pets.

Pets eating uncooked meats and bones have healthier teeth and gums. As a result, they have better smelling breath. Chewing uncooked bones is a healthy way to increase strength of the teeth and provides needed calcium for strong bones and teeth. Avoid cooked bones as they may splinter and create a health risk for the dogs.

When dogs are switched from many of the available kibble diets to a more natural alternative they have more energy. They are healthier and have more vitality. While dogs of every breed can benefit from this change, it is often most appreciated in sporting and working dogs.

Since dogs are man's best friend they should be provided with the best foods possible. In reward to the companionship and friendship of your pet, provide him with raw dog food so that he gets the nutrition needed to stay healthy for his entire lifetime.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Grain Free Dog Food And Its Many Benefits

Grain free dog food is becoming more and more popular among pet owners. Producers have began to produce this type of nutrition in mass amounts because pet owners are reporting healthier dogs that live longer than they would eating any other type of foods. There are thousands of companies producing, promoting and selling these foods and they are also receiving mass amounts of feedback from their happy and satisfied customers who have purchased their products.

All natural organ meats and fresh vegetables are the main ingredients of these foods and are loaded with the much needed vitamins and minerals that all dogs need in order to live full healthy lives. Consuming these foods boost dogs' immune systems and keep them from acquiring any serious illnesses. Dogs normally experience even more energy and longevity while eating foods without grains.

Wild by nature, all dogs crave the taste of real organ meats. For this reason, companies use only all natural turkey livers and hearts because they are the leanest of the organ meats available for use. Companies mix these organ meats with all natural vegetables to enhance the consumption of vitamins needed to promote immunity and healthier living all the way around.

Knowing that they have options as far as feeding their pets healthier foods, consumers are pleased with purchasing these products because they are guaranteed not to have any fillers, grains, additives or impurities added to their dogs' foods. They can feel better about feeding their pets this type of nutrients and know that they are getting the best nutrition available.

Sold by weight, all bags of this product are stamped with important sell by and expiration dates so that retail associates and pet owners alike know that the product is fresh and able to be sold and fed to pets. Pet owners are instructed to pay careful attention to both dates stamped on the packages of this product, because if they fail to check the dates and feed their pet outdated foods, the pet could become very sick.

All foods distributed by these companies are approved and certified to be all natural and fresh. Each package is stamped with a sell by date as well as an expiration date that purchasers should pay close attention to. If pet owners purchase outdated foods their pets could get very ill from eating it and it could possibly be fatal for the pet.

Companies check, double check and triple check any and all foods for freshness and quality before it gets distributed. If any customers are unhappy with their product for any reason, they are able to call a toll free number to complain and either be reimbursed for their purchase of given more product of equal value.

Reports indicate that grain free dog food is selling more than that of other types of these foods. It is known for providing dogs with the important nutrients and vitamins that they need in order to stay healthy and live longer lives. Doing research on this specific nutrients and the companies that produce it can help customers learn even more and find a retailer that carries the right foods for their pets.